Post Date: 1/25/2005 12:28:55 AM Message: Well the lunch thing is a possibility for me now. I go to school tuesdays and thursdays. I have a break between 11:05-12:05 and then my last class ends at 3:20. After my last class I'm free for the day. So I guess we can plan lunch between those times since m,w,f I am at work in my sweat-shop attire so I don't really want to set foot anywhere looking and smelling that way. Plus I only have a half hour of lunch on the days I work. Saturdays I am pretty much always free since I dont have to work so its mostly time for the friends and since you are a friend...there you go. The gaming and the coordinated fight scene also sound like a good idea. I'm down for it whenever you guys are. I'll even bring along the "homies." Jorge that is hardly a rant.