Post Date: 4/18/2005 6:32:39 PM Message: As Jorge put it, many aspects of the site have been undergoing changes, though few of them are actually visible to our visitors. The small thanks refers to a small addition I made to our Rants Control Panel, on the 'Add New Msg' page, the "Text Formatting Help;" added this one for Jasser's sake. Was chatting with him and he asked me why it was that he couldn't get spaces [line breaks] to appear in his rants. Rathering than trying to get him to memorize some basic HTML text formatting tags, I simply added a little popup for whenever the help is needed.
Busy day, today, at Meco. The night's gonna get even worse as I've been holding off some other work that is due TOMORROW. A few cups of coffee, some quiet time, and the computer and this thing will be done with. I really want to get to work on the site. If I get excited about working on JR, then I can push the same mood over to my other projects and start getting that damn server populated a faster rate. Josh is organizing and in the worst of ways...the one that works. My schedule is booked for the next three months, yay.
That's all for me, not much else to say. Shout out to my comrade in stress wars...Yelitza.